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Words From A Friend - Part 4b

Here is the final article from a friend of mine, Alan Langstaff. Please consider his words and pray about his research.


Young people don’t always realize the reasons, in the historical sense, of what made America the wealthiest country on earth and the best economy in the world. Certainly, socialism didn’t do it. It was a free enterprise system of economics, whilst not without its problems and even its failures, that brought us to where we are today. There are issues that still need to be addressed. Such as the gap between the very wealthy and the average American, and hopefully, that will happen without dismantling the whole system. Nonetheless, can you point to any country in the whole world that is a full-blown socialist country (which can lead to some form of communism), be it Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, that is successful and to be envied?

However, let us remember that there is usually a blending of socialism and capitalism in a country like America. “For example, there are many government programs that one could argue are forms of socialism, including the U.S. Postal Service, public school (although some would put forward the need for a change to allow more school choice), social security, Medicare, water and sewer, highways and bridges and so on. However, capitalism is still the preferred economic system. As one writer puts it, ‘Most Americans feel free enterprise can work quite well and want it to continue. But there is a longing for ways to bridle capitalism’s conspicuous excesses, especially inequitable wealth concentration‘”(

WHERE IS ALL THIS HEADED? Time alone will tell. The upcoming election will give us an immediate idea, especially as surveys will reveal what young people want and if they turned up to vote. But the wave of young people will carry on into the years to come. From a spiritual point of view, we can realize that, above all, we need a new spiritual revival amongst young people. We need a new Jesus Revolution that would sweep countless young people into the Kingdom. Let us pray for that to happen. Let us pray for a new generation to rise up that will bring this nation back to God. We need a new Great Awakening! In Acts 2:17, Peter repeats the prophecy of Joel “In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Let’s pray and believe for that to happen!


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