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F.E.E.D is an acronym for “Family Emphasis Enrichment and Development. From Mother’s Day through Independence Day Weekend, we will be focusing our sermons on how we can be better parents, a better spouse, a better son or daughter, how we can be more connected to our local fellowship, and many other virtues which should improve as we grow in our faith. A secondary purpose is to remind the congregation the we need to focus inward for a portion of our yearly messages and activities. You often hear the term personal development, F.E.E.D will speak to this growth dynamic, so each of us should be prepared to evaluate where we are in our growth process. Well here we are in the final stretch of our Family Emphasis Enrichment and Development for 2024. “Good Neighbor” continues to be our theme, let it have residual carryover throughout the year. It has been a great season of growth and introspection for our local church fellowship.

As we gather next week at Assembly Park Camp, 1/3 of summer is already in the books for 2024, we have already started planning for fall activities. My challenge to you today is to take in as much of Family Camp as possible, stay for lunch, find a bench and read a book, hang out down by the lake, take a canoe ride, buy an Assembly Park t-shirt, join others on the swings near the fire pit. This coming Thursday through Saturday night are evening services in the new Liljegren Chapel. Saturday at 10:00am is the dedication service, hope you can come! No matter what… slow down for one moment in your week and just hear God’s voice, because he is speaking, more importantly are we in a posture of listening? My typical pastoral DNA is to spend time visiting with people at the camp.

On a separate subject, yet related to Camp, a great group of Convoy of Hope helpers who came to finish tasks at camp spent 2 days at Hawthorne Assembly. They enlarged the sound room and completed installing the new lights in the fellowship hall. Amen! Thank you Assembly Park for sharing your helpers.

We are working through some changes for our morning service… such as, announcements and other important information is now being scrolled on the wall (video projection) prior to Sunday morning service, they will also replay during offering and at the end of service.

Love Packages needs us to be helpers this October, sign up now! October 8-11 is going to be an awesome week of serving this great ministry There is more than enough space for anyone who wants to come with, and do not let finances be the reason you cannot go. Please come see me if you are ever in a challenging financial season, because we can help find resources for anyone who wants to participate in a mission outreach.

Let Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 speak to our hearts, "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Prayerfully consider how you can connect in some meaningful way this summer, and hopefully your own aspirations and goals become more appreciated by those around you who are part of the team. We will help each other fulfill our calling!


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