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Talkin’ w/Dokken 2022 Pastor Joe Dokken

Talkin’ w/Dokken 2022 Pastor Joe Dokken

If I ever had a radio show discussing things from the Scriptures, the title of the program would be “Talkin’ with Dokken“ —thought it was kind of a catchy phrase. Ironically, my daily devotional is called “Take 7 @ 11” (which, by the way, does not meet with my original expectation). In the future, the catchy title may become reality-Lord willing. Once in a while this article, like today’s, will include multiple musings to keep you thinking. Here we go!

There will be a quick blurb over the next four weeks (and hopefully you have read last week’s article) concerning why you should consider going to Love Packages in early October. We still have room for more participants for our short-term mission trip to Butler. They hold the record for the most Bibles per capita than any place in the world! If you are interested, please contact me right away. You will come home with a new perspective of the power of the Word of God, and we would love for you to be part of our team!

Obviously, the calendar is creeping ever closer to fall, and with its approach we are praying and believing for the most effective ways to reach children. Hawthorne Assembly is very excited to have Scott and Brandi Tintes leading our children’s and youth ministries. Any outreach to children within our scope of influence requires a God-given strategy, and a solid commitment to keeping these programs active long-term. “Long term” does not mean stubborn even if no one comes; rather the thought is these outreaches are reliable and relatable, so anyone can invite their neighbors.

Churches need to provide stability spiritually and reliably, especially in the arena of ministry to children. For those who are not aware of the history of Hawthorne Assembly children’s ministry, it has been very impactful to many boys and girls under previous volunteer leaders and staff. The past efforts made by volunteers of this church and those from other churches is commendable. When a church of our size is ministering to 30, 40 or 50 children on a Wednesday night, that is something we need to believe for, PRAY for, put our efforts toward to see it become reality once again. Stay tuned in, Christmas is going to be extra special for your children!

Speaking of prayer and watching something grow into reality, we are gathering every 3rd Thursday @ 6pm at the Rairdon home to continue our prayer initiative for a new church fellowship in Iron River. Four years ago this Sunday, we started praying for Iron River. For those who thought we would make some knee-jerk decision, you can now see we have moved forward very methodically and prayerfully. Please join us on September 15th!

Thanks to those who came and helped with our work day at River’s Edge on Saturday. Spooner and Pastor Dave would love to see you any Sunday at 10:15 am.

Finally, I want to say how appreciative Janet and I are for the opportunity to serve this congregation. We are midway into our eighth year here in Northwest Wisconsin. My office hours will be changing once again with the need for me to care for my parents who live in Willmar. Thank you for your understanding. We’ll keep you informed as we find out more details.


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