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President Biden

As we gather this Sunday morning President-elect Biden, has become the new leader of our nation for the next four years. Whether you voted for him or not, as followers of Jesus we have a responsibility to pray for him and many others who are in positions of leadership. The election is over, now we commit ourselves to pray in accordance with what the Bible states or we can (like much of the world) complain about the mess. Most people, Christians included, either look at the glass half empty or half full. It is all based on perspective. Some people see the snow outside and say, “more to shovel” others say, “just what we needed for snowmobiling”. Our focus for the next four years can either be one of optimism or pessimism; don't let outside influences persuade you to have a bad perspective on the future. As followers of the Lord Jesus, our future is bright, our future is secure, our future is full of opportunity, our future is founded in hope and faith. Our future is not controlled by any politician of any political party. We are not putting our hope in the government or in a 78-year-old, DC entrenched politician, who claims to have received 8 million more votes than President Trump. Only in heaven will we truly know what really happened! Church, keep praying that the Lord’s will be done on earth as in heaven. Isaiah 14:26-27 reads, “I have a plan for the whole earth, a hand of judgment upon all the nations. The Lord of Heaven’s Armies has spoken—who can change his plans? When his hand is raised, who can stop him?” Psalm 20:7 declares, “Some trust in horses, some trust in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Let me change the last verse for today's environment...some trust in Republicans, some trust in Democrats, but we trust in the God of the Bible. One last way to look at this is...some trust in their abilities to make it in life, some trust in the government to make it in life, but we as Christians put our hope in the God who gives life. The God who sustains my life, the God who puts value in my life, the God who gave his life so I can have eternal life. I did not vote for Joe Biden, not because he is a democrat, but because he does not see the value in protecting human life from the moment of conception. Honestly, it is that black and white for me. Look at the pain associated with 400,000 COVID- 19 deaths. God values all life and in the same amount of time, approximately 700,000 pre-born lives were terminated. God has every right to bring remedial judgment upon any nation that does not hold life as sacred. Nevertheless, God will always have the final say. Until then, God has called us to help do our part to bring revival to nations of the world. Who’s with me? I’m believing this upcoming Missions Appreciation Dinner will be very exciting, and it will help you to get refocused on one of the main purposes for our existence. Our speaker this year is going to be worth hearing. He and his family live in a highly sensitive region of Asia so you need to attend to get the whole story. Please plan on joining us on January 30 at 6 pm.


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