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One Word

Five years ago our youngest son, Timothy, began attending North Central University, our Assemblies of God Bible College in the Twin Cities, where he is now a graduate student. Early in this new year he will also begin his responsibilities as the first graduate assistant lacrosse coach of the Rams. For many of the young men on this years team, it will be a brand new venture, including a few new coaches who was chosen to lead the team and to help shape the lives of about 20 young men. One of the big goals is a team-wide desire to notch the first win for this developing sport at NCU. No matter what our goal, life has a way changing and shifting so fast, 3 years ago when I introduced the church to “One Word” the inaugural coach left the team, and a one year replacement was brought in who knew very little about the game of lacrosse. This all took place within 2 weeks of the start of the 2nd season opener. Ironically all four years the team has had a different head coach. I can’t imagine what it has felt like for the team to deal with such drastic changes. As one of the captains of the team Tim had to help keep the team together and now as an assistant coach he has to help the new players not loose hope in spite of great upheaval. Often the responsibility of helping teach or leading people requires a level of determination, far beyond “just average” no matter what is happening. My one word for 2021 is “overcome” what it means for me from the onset and for you the reader is, I am not allowing any of the obstacles of 2020 no matter what the experience resulted in last year, to have any residual distraction moving forward. Now that a full-time coach has been hired the team looks forward to this new season. I’m looking forward to our REBOOT. A new season for God to do something great in each of our lives.

All of us at Hawthorne Assembly have the same opportunity for this new year. I realize we are already 3 days into the New Year, but lets pick a new word, or continue with our word from last year. My “One Word” last year was Uncluttered , and I would often find myself thinking about how well I was fulfilling the focus of this word. Uncluttered for me was mainly focused in the area of not adding wasteful things into my life. Especially activities with no eternal significance attached to them. Uncluttered will always be a part of my life till Jesus returns or he brings me home. 2021 brings a new “One Word” for me and If you struggle with picking the word which describes your current focus, just pick a word and work with it until you embrace it or ask God to change it. .Too many people can point out the problems in our world, our workplaces, our churches, our homes, our families, our marriages, etc. Now is the time Brother’s and Sister’s for us to stop so much observing and be the change our world needs. Praise God, if you are already living the life your One Word describes keep going! .

Here’s two verses for us to consider, “Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.” Philippians 2:4-5 Here is an excerpt from a previous years article, “The ultimate purpose of having “One Word” is to help us engage our three-part being (body, soul, and spirit) on a regular basis. No different than taking time each day for proper rest, nutrition, exercise, and relationship building. God said it best in Philippians 4:8, we must be intentional in our thought life, because that is what shapes us.”

What’s your word?


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