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Media Matters - Part 2

Obviously, there are sincere Christians who have mixed emotions about the recent acquittal of the “Former” President of the United States from the impeachment brought upon him by the House of Representatives. This article is not about whether or not POTUS 45 caused the insurrection which occurred at the Capital. Rather today’s focus is what we as Christians need to do when we have found ourselves in a situation where we feel offended or cheated. Use whatever “offended” synonym word you want; violated, abused, manipulated, deceived, betrayed, go ahead pick your “poison” definition. Throughout the years, I’ve had several friends and acquaintances who post their opinions on Facebook, Twitter, etc. about their support or lack thereof for the former POTUS (President Of The United States). Each of us must check our hearts and see how real our Christian forgiveness factor is, not only in the political realm but whatever area of interest you are reading and believing coming from social media outlets. The only reason you know about what happened with President Trump is a result of your consumption of media information. News flash, what you believe to be the truth, is not always correct, your source of information has a level of bias attached to it because every earthly informational resource is flawed. Former President Trump stood before a jury and the jury returned a verdict of “not guilty”. Many believe he is still, “guilty”...just watch the news or browse the internet, or read what your friends post on Facebook.

Our feelings about a political party or trending story are always filtered through our history, our family values, and our closely held beliefs. I’m not sure which topic is more sensitive; your favorite football team (Go Pa…..!) or your favorite political party (Make America G…!). Both can create massive levels of division, animosity, and cynicism. Whether you believe former President Trump is guilty or not guilty is irrelevant. Now that he has been acquitted your desire should be no different than what Christ did for a guy named Saul of Tarsus. The source of how we should respond will not be found in your favorite Packer or Viking fan’s advice. As a follower of Jesus, we must forgive and move on, because we believe the report of the Lord above all else! If Jesus sees value in the redeemed life of Paul the Apostle, then how much information should we absorb in our forgiveness factor that comes from worldly media outlets. Remember what God told Ananias, “he is a chosen instrument of mine..” Acts 9:15 This same truth holds validity and application in all areas of life. You must forgive! We cannot hold odd against anyone: someone in this fellowship, in your home, in your extended family, and especially not against the person who you told for better or worse. Satan would want you to think the worst about the person who offended you, God wants you to believe His report. (Even above your feelings.) Worldly media does not exist to free you from the offense, but God’s media will free you from the pain which holds you captive.


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