Counting the Days by Pastor Joe
Counting the Days by Pastor Joe
We are only 14 days away from equal hours of daylight as darkness! Most of us understand the implications of my first statement, especially to those who are solar powered. We are approaching a significant season of change- warm summer days give way to chilly fall mornings, and for me preferably, hopefully beautiful fall afternoons.
I love fall it’s my favorite season of the year. The changing of the color (more technically) the appearance of the fall colors and the ability to have a fire and enjoy its warmth along with the disappearance of mosquitoes. Who doesn’t love wearing a hooded sweatshirt and hiking through the forest while inhaling all of the great smells of fall?! Obviously, if we are only 14 days away from the official start of fall, that means we’re that much closer to one of my more challenging seasons - winter.
My ranking of the seasons has changed over the years based on what Northwest Wisconsin has to offer versus SE Minnesota. My ranking from least favorite to favorite would be; spring, winter, summer, fall. Sadly, spring used to be my second favorite season, but with the onset of those little creatures which attach to our flesh, it has been relegated to last place.
This article doesn’t seem to have much to do with “Eternal Significance”, yet it has a very profound point which I’m getting ready to make. Psalm 90:12 speaks very eloquently, first let me quote it from the NIV; “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Now let’s read the NLT version “Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.”
This is a very important verse for each of us to ponder and use as fuel for staying engaged. Never forget your next heartbeat is one heartbeat closer to your final heartbeat. With the recent health issues of my mom and dad, this is becoming more a reality than expected in such a short time for both of them. Please don’t be disappointed by the finiteness of man’s existence, rather live in the moment knowing you only have so many days before we stand before our Creator. Thank you so much for your understanding as I navigate these “Golden” sunrises and sunsets with my parents.
Fall is fast approaching which means we are less than 75 days from being gathered around tables full of food! I’ll be enjoying stuffing, sweet potatoes, pickled okra, real cranberries, homemade gravy, frog-eyed salad and so much more! This this year will be extra special, having all the children and grandchildren gathering in central Kansas. Yet, we can’t just wait around looking forward to Thanksgiving. The next 75 days are important. There’s a short-term mission trip to accomplish, I need to install a wood boiler, but more importantly than anything else there are souls which need to be saved. Lord, help me to number my days!