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CCC Eve Service

I want to thank the 50 plus people who attended our Christmas at Lupinewald last weekend during five different open house sessions. We averaged about 11 individuals per session and made this a memorable event, even during a heightened need for social distancing.

We are now 5 days away from our next Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve Service. I hope you will all plan on attending. Invite a friend and don’t forget you can come as you are dressed; jeans, sweatpants, ugly Christmas sweater, combat boots, camouflage, Green Bay Packer spirit-wear, you get the idea! Everything starts at 5 pm and 1 hour later we will be wishing each other a Merry Christmas. The service is a great addition to your family activities during the Advent season. The Dokken family always reads the story of Christ’s birth before we began opening presents. Wild rice soup is also another part of our family celebration. Our children have never known a Christmas Eve without attending a service. The Christmas Eve service is not required, it is not Biblically mandated, and does not make us more righteous. Yet, I want the world to know Christmas is all about Jesus, and since our Candlelight Communion Christmas Eve service is all about Jesus, I’m all in! This 1-hour service could be the only time a loved one of yours hears the gospel message during the next 12 months. The lights dimmed low, and everyone holding their own candle while singing Silent Night is very special. I hope we have as many for this special event as we did last year. Please be aware that if anyone is uncomfortable being in attendance, we understand, and they can join us on Facebook live.

0ne last thought about Christmas at Lupinewald; both evenings were very special, the food was fantastic, the imagery was memorable, and finding out what each family will be doing this Christmas was a bonus! Janet and I want to extend our sincere thanks to Kim Elness and Shelley Caya who helped with food and drinks, which made these gatherings go so well. We even ran out of the special presents for the children; we had just enough, thank goodness! These are good problems. It means we need to expand our vision for more children to be part of our Christmas celebrations in the future.

One more friendly reminder, please plan on joining us as we wrap up 2020 (as unsettling as it has been) with a great message of hope and peace to mankind on December 24th. Let the Christmas Eve service be a great addition to your activities, whether you come in person or watch online. I’m asking you right now to share the information on our Facebook page about our candlelight Christmas Eve service on your page so others can celebrate with us. Merry Christmas!


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