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By now everyone knows the acronym we use for the Treasures Under the Big Top. Technically it is not an acronym because it is not pronounceable. The correct terminology is initialism, similar to “FBI”. We may have to add one vowel so we can add a new word to the Hawthorne A/G dictionary. How about TUTBOT? Treasure Under the Big Ole Top! A few years back Jean suggested we add the word, “Rummage” to our advertisement. The word has universal acceptance to treasure seekers. It would be so easy to call it a Garage Sale, yet I think Garage or Yard Sale seem somewhat incomplete and it misses the mark in what we are offering. I looked up the word rummage, “to make a thorough search or investigation” if it is used as a verb or if used as a noun, “items for sale at a rummage sale”. Personally, I’ve used the term to ask others what they are searching to find. Up to this point, my rummaging around, or should I say ruminating, has had very little Eternal Significance. Our annual TUTBOT/rummage sale provides financial resources to various well-deserved ministries we support. Some would say we could be tip-toeing into straying from our primary objective. This would be true if our only purpose is to raise support for our fellowship and we didn’t preach that everyone needs to tithe. Let’s ponder the following passage. “And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”Acts 2:44-47 ESV. Verse 45 is being fulfilled through our rummage sale in a unique way yet in harmony with the scriptures. We give the proceeds away! Another benefit is the opportunity it affords all of us to thin down the overload of stuff we have in our homes and garages. We offer free Bibles to anyone who would like a copy of the Word of God. Posters at the sale are clearly displayed inviting rummagers to worship with us on Sunday morning. In the last 3 months, at least 5 people who don’t attend our fellowship have asked if we are having our TUTBT. The word is getting out, but we still need you to put up flyers and go to the church Facebook page and share the information about our Thursday through Saturday sale. There are two flyer options; the glossy posters are only for public establishments such as a grocery store and the full-color paper flyers that can be posted anywhere and given to anyone as a reminder. Other help is also needed before, during, and after the event. There is a sign-up sheet at the church and Jean would appreciate your helping in any way, even if it is just a couple of hours. All of the proceeds from this year's sale will provide full gospel study Bibles to believers in the nation of Hungary including Pastors, leaders, teachers, and Sunday school teachers. Moreno, the Hungarian language is one of the most difficult to learn and this translation is greatly needed. Having all of the Fire Bible study notes in their own language will be a huge blessing, the biggest blessing is the scriptures and notes in one nicely bound Bible.

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Tuesday: Rise Youth Group // 6 pm
Wednesday: Rise Kids & Adult Bible Study // 6:30pm


6366 S County Rd E
Poplar, WI 54849
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