Breaking the 100 Barrier
Easter Sunday is 6 weeks away. Ash Wednesday was celebrated a week ago last Wednesday which is the start of the 40 days until Maundy Thursday. Most church growth experts tell you that your Easter and/or Christmas Sunday service size will become your regular attendance within 5 years. Everyone has heard of C and E’rs, (Christmas and Easter only attendees.) Every church has them, and their spiritual lives are just as important as anyone else in the fellowship. One of our goals is to see them become regular attendees and participating in various church ministry opportunities. We just can’t wait for five years to pass by and then rejoice in our regular attendance always breaking the 100 barrier. The Bible says the harvest is now! It sounds like something our recent missionary declared. We don't just depend upon church growth statistics only, in other words, we are not just waiting out our time and yes we will grow. I want the Holy Spirit to impact individuals who are moving from nominal faith, towards something of more benefit for their spiritual development. Let’s grow now; we are intentional about seeing new faces each and every week at Hawthorne Assembly. “Together is Better” is more than a warm feeling we have for those we know, it’s also about opening up our circle of love to those we don’t know. Ask God to whom you should be opening up your circle so they can know Christ too. People know you care when you care enough to spend time with individuals outside your normal friendship or family group. We have about 35 days till Resurrection Sunday and I need each of you to invite as many friends as possible. By the way, do all of you know the address to the Church? 6366 S. County Rd. E. Poplar, WI 54864. How many of you know the URL address for the church? How many know the “key” words to get connected to our email and texting information outreach? How many senior graduates do we have this year? When will we be having our next evangelist? Who is the newest person/family who attends our fellowship on a regular basis? What is the goal of our youth group towards Speed the Light? My purpose for all these questions is to challenge you to become more involved with the lives of those who are part of your fellowship.