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Beautiful Feet

Most of us by now know “Beautiful Feet” is the theme for our 2020 Missions Emphasis. We recently had our Missions Appreciation Dinner and the expressed commitment to world, national and local missions from within this congregation was exceptional. Yet we are always trying to expand our horizon as to new partnerships with people who are impacting “people groups” or nations we will never be able to touch. This Sunday is the perfect example. The Stocksdale’s will be sharing about their desire to minister to the Silesian people group in Poland. I’ll let them fill in the details today. We currently don’t support them, but knowing their burden helps us see how God is sending many “Beautiful Feet” around the world. Some of the most important ways we partner are through prayer, through observation/awareness, and last but not least we partner through financial participation. During the Missions Appreciation Dinner, I distributed the 2020 Missions Faith Promise cards. Here is what is printed on the back of the card: “What is a faith promise? This is a promise to God, not a pledge to the church, rather a promise to help support Hawthorne Assembly Missions efforts. Your faith promise amount is between you and God. No one will notify you or keep track of your progress toward your commitment.“ We have been using this faith promise card for 4 years. We have never contacted anyone to reminded them of their faith promise. The reason we use this card is twofold: First and foremost, the hard copy card stays with you (you get it when you turn in your paper copy). I encourage you to use it as a prayer reminder. Secondly, we take the paper copy and use it only for budgetary information. With these faith promises, we have a starting point to know how and where we can stretch our faith over the next 12 months. Missions is one of the key foundations of this local fellowship and your pastor. As we think about our 3 words, GO, BE, DO, (which we will focus strongly on this year) all of us should understand that “GO” speaks to our efforts to reach out into our world to fulfill what Jesus said in Acts 1:8 “..and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” The Faith Promise cards are on the table by the front entrance or you can just ask me for one. One other great aspect of our Missions Faith Promise is the opportunity to adopt a missionary.

As I write this article on Thursday morning, I’m just a few hours from a webcast for another FMOB (Foreign Missions Operating Board) meeting. I am very thankful for this opportunity to connect with other mission’s minded pastors in our network. This year a trip is scheduled for Hungary and your pastor will be helping host and encourage other pastors in the network to participate. Hopefully and prayerfully, in 2020, Hawthorne Assembly will have a couple of short-term mission trips available for many to participate and to fulfill our theme of “Beautiful Feet!”

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