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VBS Follow Through

VBS has come to a conclusion for 2019 and the verdict is in... it was outstanding! Almost every evening 20 elementary age children participated The theme for this year was ROAR! One of the nightly responses every child said was “When life is…” (sad, scary, etc...each evening the final word of the first sentence changed but the response was the same) “God is good!”

I want to publicly thank Diane and Marty Kangas and so many more for such a outstanding outreach to our surrounding communities. There are so many names that I don’t have space for everyone who helped. I believe we had nearly 30 helpers including some great friends from Whispering Pines. Jonathan and Kendra Rairdon who led the large group gathering did a great job! Everyone did great! VBS really doesn’t it’s follow through time. Let’s make sure if any children are not part of a local church that we follow up; let’s not let them slip through the cracks. The same is true for their parents or grandparents. This is not the responsibility of just the VBS leaders. Our congregation has a responsibility to see them planted in a local church, especially if you know any of 20 children who participated.

Coaches constantly stress to their players, it is about follow through. Whether you are throwing some type of object, swinging some kind of stick, running toward a specific point, follow through is so critical. Follow through in our spiritual life is very critical. Listen to what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:9, “Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win!” Paul is telling the reader, you have to give your very best right up to the end. Don’t just run like everyone else, but run in a way to win. Your follow through is going to take you to the place of victory. Let’s make sure all of these 20 children make it to the finish line.

I want to encourage you to find places to improve your spiritual follow through, here are 4 suggestions. Make sure you answer these questions with VBS in mind.

  1. Have you promised to pray for someone or something and have not followed through? Do it today.

  2. Have you promised to help with some form of ministry and have not yet? It’s time to follow through.

  3. Have you in your heart not forgiven someone or something? Do it now!

  4. Have you wanted to invite your neighbor or friend to church? Today is the day of salvation and follow through.

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