Speed The Light
For one week we will pause and not focus on “Voter Values/Election 2018”. This is a very important week to highlight another world changing ministry. Speed The Light (which is normally abbreviated STL) is a wonderful resource of the Assemblies of God which provides transportation, of all types, to missionaries all over the globe. More specifically STL is a division of the Assemblies of God Youth Ministry department. A young man named Eric Hoffman is the National Director for STL. I have personally been in the Assemblies of God for over 40 years and one of the very first ministries I heard about and remember as a young boy was Speed the Light. Growing up in Willmar Minnesota and attending the Assemblies of God church our youth pastor Bobby Poe would organize STL rallies where we would gather and hear highlights about missionaries who were in need of transportation. Our local youth group would help raise funds through various group and individual projects. If you’ve been part of this church over the last half year you’ve noticed Pastor Ben and the youth have been offering gourmet coffee once a month which is helping them in reaching their goal for our local STL challenge.
“Coffee with a Cause” is helping to make a difference for our local Wisconsin Northern Michigan Ministries Network Missionaries. Not only is Coffee with a Cause a part of the fundraising, but many of the students are participating on their own. For example; Abigail Kangas has raised hundreds of dollars with her hand crafted plaques. As a friendly reminder, our youth department (EMPOWER Student Ministries), which is lead by Pastor Ben and Lydia, meets every Wednesday night. They are leaving next week for Lacrosse Wisconsin where the annual Assemblies of God youth convention will take place. Part of youth convention is keeping students informed and engaged concerning great ministries such as Speed the Light. Since I have attended these gatherings in the past, I’m sure there will be great testimonies, this year, about monies which have been raised through various fundraising strategies. It truly is amazing what young people can do when they set their hearts toward something which has eternal value. Today Pastor Ben will be sharing the “Word” and will be receiving an offering above and beyond the monthly Coffee with a Cause. Together we can really help our missionaries fulfill their call. We all know without transportation we are limited at best in getting to those most remote locations. We all should be thankful we can help our missionaries reach more people, travel to more cities, and connect with more lost souls. STL is one of those great ministry resources which meets needs in some of the most unique ways. Before you think all they do is buy cars for missionaries in major metropolitan cities you might be shocked to know sometimes it’s a motorcycle, sometimes it’s a boat, sometimes it’s a canoe, sometimes it’s whatever mode of transportation works best for advancing the Gospel! Obviously the overwhelming majority of missionaries request automobiles, almost all need 4 wheel drive vehicles with a rugged suspension and trailer hitches. Yes will be serving coffee with a cause this morning but we are asking for everyone to dig deep and to go above what you pay for a cup of coffee. Together we can do our part in advancing God’s Word in 2018. Let’s Speed the Light!