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Foundations of Faith

Starting on October 6th, Paul Walsh and I will be teaching our new Foundations of Faith adult Sunday school class. We are in the midst of finishing up the curriculum for an eight week (minimum), possibly as many as 12 week class. Classes will include: the deity of the Lord Jesus, the baptism of the Holy Spirit, sanctification, gifts of the Holy Spirit, fruit of the Spirit and much more. The final class will be an overview of the 16 Statements of Fundamental Truths of the Assemblies of God. I firmly believe these classes are going to be a great addition for those who are new in their faith. For those who have been a follower of Jesus for many years I would encourage you to attend as a refresher course. We will have two adult Sunday school classes; Jonathan Rairdon will continue teaching and has just started a new class covering the book of Romans. One class will meet in the sanctuary and the other class will meet in the fellowship hall. More details to come over the next few weeks. Part of our fellowship’s spiritual journey is balancing classes that are for new believers with instruction for those who are maturing in their faith. One example would be training for those who are in leadership roles or who are developing into leaders. Part of our ongoing training is to develop individuals who have a calling towards full-time ministry or some level of new ministry outreach. The scripture passage which comes to mind, as we consider our approach, is found in Hebrews. “So let us stop going over the basic teachings about Christ again and again. Let us go on instead and become mature in our understanding. Surely we don’t need to start again with the fundamental importance of repenting from evil deeds and placing our faith in God. You don’t need further instruction about baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.” Hebrews 6:1-3 NLT. Part of my responsibility as an under-shepherd of the Chief Shepherd is to chart a path of growth and maturity that honors this passage plus multiple other scripture passages about growing in Christ and yet not leaving behind those who are new in their faith. One of the critical inferences of this passage addresses churches which stay stuck only talking about foundational things. As you consider attending the foundations of faith class, please be aware the course will be repeated throughout the year. Our goal is to have three opportunities within a years time. Since the course will stay very consistent, with only a few changes as necessary, a person could participate for a few weeks and then pick back up during another session later in the year. Recently, someone from our fellowship shared their observations about the need for more biblical training, especially for our children. With the saturation of worldly stimulation upon our precious sons and daughters, we need to be even more committed to training and instruction in the Word of God. As a young boy, I could memorize lengthy passages and recall them with great success. Sometimes it was through song, alliteration or catchy phrases. No matter what it was, it worked and it still works today. If you have ever been part of the JBQ event, you realize our children are gifted with great recall. The great eternal truths of the Word of God should be memorized at a very young age and then they become part of their life on a permanent basis.

I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you!

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Tuesday: Rise Youth Group // 6 pm
Wednesday: Rise Kids & Adult Bible Study // 6:30pm


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Poplar, WI 54849
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