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Fall Colors

Fall Colors By Pastor Joe

Fall is my favorite time of the year for many reasons. Thinking about the four seasons of weather we enjoy in the Midwest, all of us realize some of those seasons are prolonged and some could be just a little bit longer. For me to have six months of fall (no wood ticks no mosquitoes) nice cool air, beautiful vibrant colors in the trees, and just a really nice time to be outside would be perfect. Having lived in Central California, Northeast Minnesota, Northwest Wisconsin and Colorado for a few years, one begins to enjoy the uniqueness of fall all over our planet.

Experiencing fall in full array of hardwood colors is breathtaking, but so is fall were things actually get greener such as they do on the west coast. Sometimes fall was just thousands of pine trees and littered amongst them were the golden leaves of Aspen trees changing. In a few weeks, Janet and I, along with a dozen or so from Hawthorne Assembly, will be traveling to central Illinois. Hopefully will go far enough south where the leaves will have barely begun to change colors. We’ll have a little taste of endless fall!

Depending upon where you live in the world, you appreciate the uniqueness of the surroundings and the environmental factors you have learned to enjoy and work in no matter the number of seasons. Honestly, most Northerners just deal with Winter. Some say we only have two seasons “Up North” - roadwork and winter. Always remember your “Attitude” can always overcome your “Latitude”. There’s a lot to enjoy if we focus in on everything God has given us.

Here is a simple praise list: a great place to live, a place to worship, a place to grow, a place to raise a family, a place to celebrate life and friends, and a place to enjoy the amazing creative power of our heavenly father. The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof. Yes, the scriptures tell us we are to worship the Creator and not creation. As we take time this fall to appreciate the beauty, splendor and majesty of an awesome God we are reminded by what see. God spoke everything into existence by his powerful words! As we celebrate not only where we get to live and the change of seasons, we also celebrate the opportunity to enjoy the blessings of our Heavenly Father. Seven times a day I will praise him!

Never forget, with each day, we draw one day closer to the return of the Lord Jesus. Please enjoy the temporal moments in the outdoors, go on vacations and have picnics with family. Together is Better! Celebrate everything God has given us and let’s use everything including our local surroundings to be part of how we reach out into our community. The Apostle Paul said, “I’ve become all things to all people that I might win a few”. Possibly we need to learn how-to cross-country ski, go ice fishing, learn how to use a chainsaw, learn how to garden or build a deck- maybe we need to learn how to shovel the neighbor’s driveway. Each of us has been given many wonderful talents and we should be using those talents to advance God’s kingdom here in northwest Wisconsin.

Grateful followers of Jesus appreciate the values, customs, courtesies and dynamics that make Northwest Wisconsin unique, exciting, and different. As you look out this week at the beautiful changing colors, know that winter will be the next season. Determine now to embrace its uniqueness and challenges, knowing there will be opportunities to invite our friends, family members, and work associates to some exciting upcoming events, like the winter sledding party! We even have neighbors who live near the church who bring their children and grandchildren over for a day of good clean fun! Imagine how nice it will be when we have the Pavilion completed.


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